Religious Quote: Joseph Ratzinger

A just laicism allows religious freedom. The state does not impose religion but rather gives space to religions with a responsibility toward civil society, and therefore it allows these religions to be factors in building up society.
Joseph Ratzinger

Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. There may be legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not... with regard to abortion and euthanasia.
Joseph Ratzinger

Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, look like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards.
Joseph Ratzinger

The wrath of God is a way of saying that I have been living in a way that is contrary to the love that is God. Anyone who begins to live and grow away from God, who lives away from what is good, is turning his life toward wrath.
Joseph Ratzinger

To me, its seems necessary to rediscover - and the energy to do so exists - that even the political and economic spheres need moral responsibility, a responsibility that is born in man's heart and, in the end, has to do with the presence or absence of God.
Joseph Ratzinger

The Cross is the approbation of our existence, not in words, but in an act so completely radical that it caused God to become flesh and pierced this flesh to the quick; that, to God, it was worth the death of his incarnate Son.
Joseph Ratzinger

We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
Joseph Ratzinger

Joseph Ratzinger

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Beginning of the End

Author’s Note: It is the final battle at Hogwarts. Death Eaters vs. the good guys; Harry and Voldemort face to face for the battle of a life time. Only one will win and only one will rise up into victory. The battle begins and ends here.

Imagine what it must feel like when you are at the best wizarding school of all time and then a tremendous war begins. What might that be like? Would you be scared, excited, horrified? In the fictional novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling, which is the last novel of the Harry Potter series and the epic finale, there comes a life changing choice between facing the worst Dark Wizard of all or having your friends and family persecuted. Tough choices will be made; serious conflicts between friends and family begin. The author paints a picture of the battle between good and evil. In this novel, the characters choose whether they will join the evil side, where everything is messed up or the good side, where great things happen. The characters become more heroic as the story continues.

Visualize you are at the most powerful school in the wizard world. This school is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts, the most highly exalted school, is your like your home. Then one day, a dreadful battle begins. What might that be like? Think of all the horrendous wars in real life. Harry Potter is the exact same thing, but with wands and magic. The characters in Harry Potter went through the most terrifying battle of their lives. Harry, Ron and Hermione, the three main characters in Harry Potter, along with everyone else, lost their loyal friends and family members during the final battle at Hogwarts.

Throughout the story, the evil Dark Lord, Voldemort has returned for his revenge against Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. When Voldemort went to Godric’s Hollow to kill Harry, Voldemort’s curse rebounded on the only living thing around him. Harry himself. That’s why Harry has a scar on his head; half of Voldemort’s soul lives in Harry. Harry can talk to snakes and see where Voldemort is in his head.

Would it be scary if Voldemort went inside your head and you couldn’t ignore it? Everyone at Hogwarts experienced that. The Dark Wizard said that Harry had to meet him in the forest to die once and for all or have everyone alive die. Harry had a tough choice to make between to fight for friends and family and have them die or have Harry die and Hogwarts and everyone be safe. If you were Harry Potter, what would be your decision? Harry made a wise choice and chose to die rather than having is friends and family die. Harry is a wonderful person during this fight. He’s brave, a leader, loyal and most importantly, a good friend. Not a lot of people would have the guts to go and face Voldemort. Harry Potter is like a brother to everyone at Hogwarts.

In the story, there is a stone called the “Resurrection Stone” that brings loved ones back from the dead. When Harry went to the forbidden forest, he used the resurrection stone to bring his family back to life. The resurrection stone in real life is like dreams. We dream of a family a family member or a friend to come back to life and you get so into it, its like its real. That’s how the stone works. Then, you are there. In front of the wizard that killed your parents. You are shaking like an earthquake. You hear those words that you never want to hear. “Avada-cadabra!” Now, your dead. Your in your own little world with the headmaster of Hogwarts. Everyone has that happen. They go off into their own little world, just like Harry did when he “died.” But a surprising shock happens.

Finally, Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry is half destroyed. Then, the good and the evil come together face to face. You are asked to make a choice between the good side or the dark side. If you go to the dark side, its just like you drank poison and changed or stay on the good, clean side. Which side would you choose? Your choice is between life or death.

Every character in the last Harry Potter is very brave. They all made wise choices. Ron and Hermione are Harry’s best friends. They both look after Harry and give him valuable advice. My friends look after me and give me valuable advice as well. Friends are one thing that you have to have in your life. They support and care about you no matter what happens. Harry, Ron and Hermione are superior friends to one another. They are all brave, loyal, trustworthy, kind and honest.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 is an action packed novel that is great for Harry Potter lovers. If you have never read or even heard of Harry Potter. Read it and you will enjoy it. The best part of what J.K. Rowling did is she made an image of what the final battle would be like and what happens to everyone during the end of Harry Potter. This epic finale will give you the chills.

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